New Feature: Notifications about changes

Now Link provides some notification modes following changes in documents or task list.

1 Document changes

The user can receive a notification about document changes.
To enable this feature, you must subscribe to the documents for which you want to receive notification via email.
The subscribed document shows the following symbol in its header

You can configure the frequency of receiving notifications.
Each notification contains the list of the modified documents with no specific indication of the changes made. In the message you can find links to access directly to each single document.

2 Task changes

This is a feature added to the Workflow management. You may receive notifications as a result of changes in some tasks attributes such as:

  • State,
  • Assignments,
  • Revise,
  • Due dates.

In the User Preferencies it's possible to enable the notification at user-level and to choose the preferred communication channel (Link chat or email). In this case, you will receive notifications for changes to activities assigned to yourself or to your membership groups.

Additionally, in the workflow design environment, you can configure for each task possible recipients of notification (single user or user group) and the communication channel.